Tender Description

Re-Advertisement: CJC invites all experienced service providers to submit bids/proposals for the appointment of a service provider to provide the debt collection services for a period of 3 years. The appointed service provider will be responsible for appointing and managing its own tracing agents for debtors whom the college is struggling to reach. The list of debtors to be followed up on will mainly be current and previous student with accounts older than 90 days.

Procurement/Technical Enquiries(E) [email protected]

Closing Date

14 February 2022     10H00

Compulsory Briefing

No Detail

Evaluating Principle


Tender Number



The bid document will be uploaded onto the College website. For further information and documents please visit the following website: https://cjc.edu.za/#

The RFP’s shall close punctually at 10h00, South African Time on the dates specified, in the tender box located at Central Johannesburg TVET College, 5 Ubla Avenue, off Princess of Wales Terrace, Central Office 1, Parktown, South Africa. Failure to meet the mandated deadline will lead to the bidder being disqualified and ipso facto barred from tendering for the RFP. Two printed and bound documents (1 original and 1 copy) of the RFP, as well as the soft copy (on USB) in PDF format are required. Late submissions, as well as emailed submissions will not be accepted.

Only email enquiries will be attended to. The lowest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted, nor will any reason be given or assigned for the rejection of the bid. All quoted prices must be in RSA currency and inclusive of VAT.



Please contact them directly for any additional information.

Good luck – we offer awesome value-adding services for debt collection strategies – contact us should you need more information.